Tachyon Natural Pain Relief Products

Testimonials on Tachyon Natural Pain Relief Products

Wonderful Product!
I have used Panther Juice for almost 20 years on myself, my children and grandchildren. Since I am a veterinarian, I have also used it extensively on dogs and cats (and veterinary techs) with wonderful results. It helps so much with pain and prevents bruising/swelling from trauma, venipuncture, sore and stiff muscles and joints, etc. I always have it with me when I travel and never leave home without it. I highly recommend it!

Tachyonized Panther Juice
It was to my surprise that this panther juice really works. I use it on my thumbs, hands and wrist. I am a massage therapist and pianist and I am using my hands all the time with repeated motions. Thank you so much for helping me not be in so much pain.

Silica Gel is the best
Silica Gel is the best product that you can buy for pain. I have severe osteoporosis and I would not be without it.


Happy Souls
I love the happy souls. I have bad veracious veins and the happy souls bring relief and energy to my legs. My blood would tend to pool in my feet causing me to get cold but the happy souls keeps that from happening. I have a client that’s a hair dresser and she uses them and has found much relief in her legs and feet when working. I also recommend them for my elderly clients to help relieve their tired aching legs and feet.

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