Tachyonized Silica Disks
$46.95 – $219.95
The World Standard
The 4-inch and 6-inch Tachyonized Silica Disks can be used for a variety of things. Use them over your circuit breakers, on computers, refrigerators, televisions and laptops. Charge your water, herbs, supplements, fruits, vegetables and grains with Silica Disks, raising the potential. You can even put them in your garden and watch for healthier plants with an increased yield of vegetables and flowers. Many people use them to get a better night’s sleep and/or to enhance their dreams.
Product Details
Studies show that Tachyonized Silica Disks installed over the circuit breakers of your home or office neutralize the negative effects of EMFs and, at the same time, improve biological functioning. These groundbreaking studies also strongly indicate that when your circuits are protected by Tachyonized Silica Disks, food prepared with electrical appliances have greater energy.
The Tachyonized Silica Disks are directional and the energy side is indicated by the words "Energy flows out this side". Tachyonized Silica Disks are composed of a special silica dioxide scientifically developed for the high-tech industries. Silica is a great conductor and creates powerful cells, with the Silica disks having a coherent 15 foot field flowing from the energy side. The Silica Disks themselves are very thin and tend to break easily. For this reason they have been laminated. In the event your Silica Disk breaks, the lamination will hold all the pieces together and the disk will remain completely effective! It is important that you leave the Silica Disk in the lamination.
For use with circuit breakers:
1. Open the door to the circuit breaker box.
2. Use any kind of tape that is appropriate to the surface and adhere the Tachyonized Silica Disks to the inside of the door with the side that says “Energy flows out this side” facing towards you. When you close the door, the energy side will be facing into the circuit breakers.
3. The Tachyonized Silica Disks should cover at least 80% of the circuit breakers to ensure your protection.
For use with computers:
It is recommended that you use a Tachyonized Silica Disk on your computer monitor even if you have Silica Disks on your breaker box. Simply tape the Silica Disk with any kind of tape that is appropriate to the surface to the back of the computer monitor with the side that says “Energy flows out this side” facing towards the back of the monitor.
For use with your refrigerator:
Place Tachyonized Silica Disks under the crisper drawers in your refrigerator so that the side that says “Energy flows out this side” is facing upward towards the top of the refrigerator. By placing them in the crisper drawers, usually located on the bottom of the refrigerator, you are energizing everything above the disks, raising the bioenergetics of all your fruits, vegetables and anything else in their 15 foot field.
For use with your drinking water:
Place a gallon of water on a Tachyonized Silica Disk and in about 5 hours the water will be charged to its full potential. This charged water is great for drinking and watering plants.
For use with your herbs and nutritional supplements:
Keep herbs and supplements, etc. on the Tachyonized Silica Disks so that their Subtle Organizing Energy Fields (SOEFs) will be kept at maximum potential
For use with a better night's sleep:
Tape a Tachyonized Silica Disk with any kind of tape that is appropriate to the surface on the wall or the headboard with the side that says “Energy flows out this side” facing towards your head. It is best placed 6 inches above or below the level of the head so that the energy flows through your energy field rather than the physical body. There have been reports of complete dream recall and more restful sleep patterns while using the disks at night.
For use in the garden:
Put a Tachyonized Silica Disk in the soil, at the beginning of a row with the side that says “Energy flows out this side" facing the length of the row. This energizes about 15 feet of soil, producing stronger, healthier plants, and increased yield of vegetables or flowers.
For use in personal healing:
TheTachyon Silica Disks are extremely effective directional antennae for attracting Tachyon energy, the most powerful healing energy in the world, to a specific area of the body. They are designed to be worn on the body to treat any injury, and to help unbalanced organs return to their natural balance. They'll rejuvenate your immune system, align your chakras, and enhance athletic performance.
The Tachyonized Silica Disks are available in 4-inch (10cm) and 6-inch (15cm), and come as singles or in packs of 3.
Tachyon Silica Disks Make a Difference
Studies show that Tachyonized Silica Disks installed over your circuit breakers neutralize the negative effects of EMFs, protect your personal energy field and, at the same time, improve biological functioning. Food prepared with (or stored in) electrical appliances will have greater life-force energy.
The flat, round Tachyonized Silica Disks need only be placed over your circuit breakers to take effect. Use the sleeve that comes with the disk for easy installation. NOTE: Tachyonized Silica Disks must cover all the breaker switches in order to be completely effective (small dwellings, like one or two-bedroom apartments usually need two 4” Tachyonized Silica Disks, larger spaces generally need three disks or more). Once installed, you no longer need to think about the disks. The Tachyonization process is permanent.
An independent researcher, Carl D. Troppy, got the following results in one experiment: Mouse A — in front of a regular monitor with no Tachyonized devices in place — lived 3 months, 4 days.
Mouse B — with no monitor and no Tachyonized devices — lived 5 months, 5 days.
Mouse C — in front of a monitor with Tachyonized disks over the breaker box — lived 12 months, 10 days.
All three mice were from the same brood. He also noted that quality of life was much better for Mouse C and B than for Mouse A, not just longevity. Later, a very skeptical Sheryl Burton, replicated Troppy’s experiment with a larger mouse population and confirmed his findings. In fact, after 375 days, she decided she had accomplished her mission and released the last remaining mice (those protected by the Tachyonized devices) into the woods. (Details in Tachyon Energy: A New Paradigm in Holistic Healing by David Wagner and Gabriel Cousens, M.D.)

These are the choices...
Disk Packs | 1- Pack, 3-Pack |
Size | 4-inch Disk, 6-inch Disk |
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