Tachyon Personal Sexual Enhancement

Tachyonized Personal Sexual Enhancement products significantly support your intimate encounters so you can experience a deeper level of connection with your loved one…or with yourself. Our line includes items that can enhance both energy as well as simply being present.

We have products that relax the nervous system, aid in digestion. ease menstrual irregularities and regulate frequent urination. Also available are natural herbal anti-depressants, digestive aids, nervous system tonics, certified organic botanical extracts that heal and support the body, and skin soothers.

Plus, exquisite LUBRICATION!

And…be sure to check out our Tachyonized Silk Scarves. Not only will their sensual texture enhance “the mood” but because they are Tachyonized, they will help reduce stress and provide protection from electro-magnetic radiation.

Be radiant, stay healthy!

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